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Monday 7 May 2012

LEGO Reviewing Lego Zelda

Some of you may have seen the viral video by Michael Inglis, which is a stop action video containing LEGO minifigures adapted to resemble characters and monsters out of the hit Nintendo series Legend of Zelda.

Many people have said that this video has made them want a genuine LEGO Zelda set, and it looks like that could soon be a possibility.

After being sent 10,000 requests, LEGO have officially stated they are considering the idea, and if they deem it a good idea, then the products will likely be hitting the shelves.

Of course, there is one large gap they must cross before hand, and that is Nintendo approval. Very few third party Nintendo products have been made, and unless Nintendo think LEGO can bring something new to the idea, it probably won't get approval.

Of course, this isn't the first game series to get turned into a building block set. Halo, the hit series for X-Box  was turned into a Mega Blocks product, and has sold reasonably well.

It may have sold better if it wasn't Megablocks.
But unlike Zelda, Halo is an incredibly successful series in the West, while most of Zelda's fan base can be found in Japan. So even if Nintendo do give it approval, it may not even make it's way over here.


  1. *Drops out of the portal and keels over.

  2. *On the ground
    "Come out fight me!!"

  3. *channels magic through demon axe.

  4. *Dives forward while shouting "Death or glory!"

  5. *Rushes forwards with a cry of "Sweet dreams cup cake."

  6. *Performs a flawless Attaque au Fer.*

  7. *Drops his axe yet the magic that surrounded it remains; it becomes tendrils which he lashes out with.

  8. *Touches the ground, and cracks begin to head towards Morpheus.*

  9. *staggers but his tendrils stabilise him. He waves his hands in a circular motion and suddenly they are in the geonosian arena. "I think this is more appropriate."

  10. "No... Too cliche."

    *Claps his hands, and a bright light covers the area. When it fades, they are suddenly on the Bifrost.*

  11. "Too late to join the party" Someone shouts walking into the areana and giving Robbie a cheery wave.

  12. "Why not"
    *Lashes out with his tendrils.

  13. "It's 2 against 1 Morpheus! You can't win!"

  14. *Throws himself clear and then rolls to his feet already sprinting closer drawing a katana from a sheath at his waist*

  15. "Indeed so, I'm a friend of your friend but not your friend. That's right try and work that out"

  16. "Well you shouldn't take on Morpheus lord of dreams" *Creates a shadow duplicate.

  17. *Summons spear from the abyss, then jumps towards Morpheus.*

  18. * Has a tendrils pierced by the spear the tendril then lets out a wave of blue flame in retaliation.

  19. *Is thrown back, and grabs the edge of the Bifrost, but drops the spear. Manages to climb up, and then raises hands up above my head.*

  20. "People of the internet! Raise your hands!"

  21. "Oh Morpheus don't make me laugh" I say with a cocky grin *Spinning away from the tendrils and using my Katana to slash for the duplicate with blinding speed*

  22. *Fires a beam of pure aural energy at Morpheus.*

  23. * The duplicate explodes with bright blue fire and hundreds of insects made of blue flame burst forth.
    "The blackest night falls from the skies, as darkness grows all light dies
    we crave your hearts and your demise,BY MY BLACK HAND THE DEAD SHALL RISE.
    *Black rings rain from the sky.

  24. "Oh stop it with the Green Lantern references FOR ONE MINUTE!"

    *Shouts, temporarily deafening all around, and the Bifrost begins to shatter.*

  25. *Falls but gets caught by the winged mana bugs "The vallhallans won't be happy about that."

  26. "To hell with the Valhallans!"

    *Summons millions of shadow darts and fires them at Morpheus.*

  27. *Retaliates firing balls of blue flame the collide and make a huge shockwave.

  28. *Pants*

    "There's only one place we can settle this Morpheus... On mutual ground. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut you off."

    *Summons a large blade and throws it at Morpheus, then jumps into a portal.*

  29. *Splits into two shadow clones then jumps into a portal of his own.
