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Wednesday 22 February 2012

New Zelda Game And New MGS On The Way

As many of you no doubt know, the Playstation Vita, a device capable of providing games equal to those on the major home platforms, launched today. But if you want news on that, either Google it, or visit your local HMV, Game, or anywhere else with a large sign saying "PS Vita Available Inside". Though not if it's a white van. Stay clear of those. Anyway, the reason you will have to look else where for news is because today's article is for something that interests me much more. A new game has been announced, and two more have been hinted at. Read on to find out just what they are, and what's going on with them.

1. New Legend of Zelda

Come on. This was inevitable. There have been rumours, and even a playful hint from Miyamato himself. The cheeky devil. But now Eiji Aonuma has joined in the fun, sending this message to his 3DS Letterbox chums:

Now, anyone who was paying attention at E3 will know that Zelda Wii U is in the works, but is a Zelda for 3DS coming? After all, Ocarina of Time 3D sold well enough. I have to agree with the wizard and the fairy as usual, and hope that we will soon be seeing a brand new Zelda adventure on the portable console. Also, I want that stationary. It is my sole aim in life for the next week or so. Until then...

Metal Gear Solid 5

Another exciting piece of news that has been cheekily thrown to us then torn apart like a piece of meat to starved dogs. And you think I'm exaggerating. This time, the report has come from Konami, who has been looking for "project engineers for the latest Metal Gear Solid targeted for high-end consoles and PC" and "engineers to help develop next-gen game engine technology for use with the "FOX Engine". Which all sounds very good. Even better, it's possible this is the Project Ogre which has been driving the internet dogs fighting over tit bits of rumour, and has been said to be a one hundred hour open worlder they have been promising. It may also be where this fascinating screenshot came from:

Oh the possibilities. Of course, one has to wonder whether this news coming out now has anything to do with a certain console coming out. Or whether what is arguably the best Metal Gear Solid game that is being ported to 3DS will sell well enough to warrant a 3D appearance, for the Nintendo fans starved of shots of nurses in a desert. For the Nintendo fans who cannot wait for this or Snake Eater, the demo is currently available in the eShop, though it does take up quite a few blocks.

Brain Training 3DS
Finally, the game which has been confirmed. Dr. Kawashima's brain booster also boosted DS sales, with casual gamers drawn to it, like critics to my increasingly bad metaphors, and well meaning nans buying it for their grand children, who actually quite enjoyed it after they got past the super fun "100 Math Questions" game. Apparently it's success was enough to warrant a sequal, in which the already creepy floating head of the good doc himself occasionally turns into a floating demonic head.

Nightmare fuel. No other way to describe it. Apparently this one will be tougher than it's predecessors, that spread across all the platforms, and will include the new game "Oni-tore" which is where the demonic head comes in. No idea what that it will involve then. Just that it shouldn't be played at night.

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