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It also means you're one of the lucky few who are G.A.P. Geek and Proud that is. Here, you will be able to indulge your nerdy self, reading articles on all the things "the popular people" don't want to talk about, watching my picks of the week, and having something else to do apart from sit on the computer ignoring pokes.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

New Zelda Game And New MGS On The Way

As many of you no doubt know, the Playstation Vita, a device capable of providing games equal to those on the major home platforms, launched today. But if you want news on that, either Google it, or visit your local HMV, Game, or anywhere else with a large sign saying "PS Vita Available Inside". Though not if it's a white van. Stay clear of those. Anyway, the reason you will have to look else where for news is because today's article is for something that interests me much more. A new game has been announced, and two more have been hinted at. Read on to find out just what they are, and what's going on with them.

1. New Legend of Zelda

Come on. This was inevitable. There have been rumours, and even a playful hint from Miyamato himself. The cheeky devil. But now Eiji Aonuma has joined in the fun, sending this message to his 3DS Letterbox chums:

Now, anyone who was paying attention at E3 will know that Zelda Wii U is in the works, but is a Zelda for 3DS coming? After all, Ocarina of Time 3D sold well enough. I have to agree with the wizard and the fairy as usual, and hope that we will soon be seeing a brand new Zelda adventure on the portable console. Also, I want that stationary. It is my sole aim in life for the next week or so. Until then...

Metal Gear Solid 5

Another exciting piece of news that has been cheekily thrown to us then torn apart like a piece of meat to starved dogs. And you think I'm exaggerating. This time, the report has come from Konami, who has been looking for "project engineers for the latest Metal Gear Solid targeted for high-end consoles and PC" and "engineers to help develop next-gen game engine technology for use with the "FOX Engine". Which all sounds very good. Even better, it's possible this is the Project Ogre which has been driving the internet dogs fighting over tit bits of rumour, and has been said to be a one hundred hour open worlder they have been promising. It may also be where this fascinating screenshot came from:

Oh the possibilities. Of course, one has to wonder whether this news coming out now has anything to do with a certain console coming out. Or whether what is arguably the best Metal Gear Solid game that is being ported to 3DS will sell well enough to warrant a 3D appearance, for the Nintendo fans starved of shots of nurses in a desert. For the Nintendo fans who cannot wait for this or Snake Eater, the demo is currently available in the eShop, though it does take up quite a few blocks.

Brain Training 3DS
Finally, the game which has been confirmed. Dr. Kawashima's brain booster also boosted DS sales, with casual gamers drawn to it, like critics to my increasingly bad metaphors, and well meaning nans buying it for their grand children, who actually quite enjoyed it after they got past the super fun "100 Math Questions" game. Apparently it's success was enough to warrant a sequal, in which the already creepy floating head of the good doc himself occasionally turns into a floating demonic head.

Nightmare fuel. No other way to describe it. Apparently this one will be tougher than it's predecessors, that spread across all the platforms, and will include the new game "Oni-tore" which is where the demonic head comes in. No idea what that it will involve then. Just that it shouldn't be played at night.

Thursday 16 February 2012

BAFTA Game of the Year Awards

Last year, we saw some great games. Established franchises spawned sequels that blew us away. Games that had never been seen before appeared and had the same affect. Everybody had one game they enjoyed. Now, you can vote for your for your favourite. Don't worry, I'm not holding a poll, BAFTA are taking care of that. Only head over to this site to vote for your favourite. Family Games, Action Games, FPS Games and RPGs are all on the menu. Zeus himself could find something in the nominations. Even he does mostly go for the Rockband and the Sims. Lastly, you may be wondering what I voted for. Don't, I'm sure there's something that says I'm not allowed to affect your opinion, though hopefully you've figured it out by now. After all, the smart among you should be able to figure it out from this.

Saturday 11 February 2012

The Real Life Hustle

As fans of the BBC's reverse crime show will know, Hustle ends on the 17/02/2012. However, what they probably didn't know was that through all the drama, there's actually a lot of tips in there. Combined with hustle tips from various other sources, here is the Realm's guide to The Real Life Hustle.

1. Magic Is Just A Legal Trick

We've all seen one of those cheesy magic shows, and been slightly impressed by the man in the bad suit. The reason we're impressed is because we don't know how they do it, but the majority of the time it's deceptively simple. All they do is distract you while they pull it off. Take the magic hat. They put a normal object into the hat, turn to the audience, boast a bit, shake a wand about, and voila. It's disappeared.  
The trick lies in the wand, while they're talking they fiddle around behind their back, getting ready to make the switch, and then while they're waving about, they put it in their pocket, or where ever else they plan to produce it from later. The same works for other tricks. All you need to do is distract them, a wave of the hand, an interesting anecdote, even "accidently" dropping something. Just as long as their attention is taken away from what you're really doing. This even works on a larger scale, if they're looking in the wrong place, they won't see what you're really doing.

2. Know Your Mark, But Don't Let Your Mark Know You.

There's a common misconception about trying to trick someone: It's always easier with friends. That's wrong. It is easier to con someone you know well, but the thing is, they know you just as well. Hence why most con men operate on the streets, where strangers walk past every minute. However, with large scale cons, you need to know your mark. The trick is to either do research on your mark, though if they're not well know, this is hard. It's easier to target a certain demographic, so you can understand their mind set better. Of course, you've got to make sure you vary it a bit, other wise you start to become nefarious and people become more suspicious.

3. Know Your Limit

If you've been performing small card tricks against your friends and family, don't try to con your enemy out of £50 with a large, intricate con. All that will happen is you will make a mistake, they will figure it out, and they will not be happy. Move up the ladder slowly, that way you avoid taking a fall.

4. There Is No Such Thing As A Failed Hustle

All right, not entirely true. But 9 times out of 10, any Hustle can be salvaged. If you feel it collapsing, get out while you still can, but wait until you already have something. Even if it's right at the end, a minor hustle can be saved just through the British sense of fair play. For some reason, if someone catches you in the act, if you pay up, they will stop being suspicious. So, if you've just made a money transaction, make sure it's in the lowest form of change possible. After all, one £10 note is easier to count then one hundred 10p coins.

Is mark really going to stay around the count all this?

5. They Have To Think They Are Winning

In any hustle, right up to the end, the mark has to think they're winning. This can be done multiple ways, such as making a bet where they seem most probable to win, making a deal where they seem to be making all the demands, or, and this is the most common one, letting them win before. The trick is to influence their mind. To make them think the odds are in their favour, place it around something they will know well (e.g. In a bar, placing a bet that the circumference of a pint glass is a foot, when you're a relatively new visitor to the bar.). With the decision making, make your demands over the top, and slowly come down when they refuse. As for letting them win, you've got to be careful. If they think you're losing too much, they'll wonder why you were so willing to make a bet, and will grow bored. However, if it's too close a match, they'll know they may lose, and will be less willing to make a big bet.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Free Wipeout 2048 for PV Vita With £5 Top Up

What, you thought I was just going to report Nintendo news? Wrong! Vodafone have finally confirmed that they will be providing the 3G services on Sony's portable console, with all details explained on this website. Of course, the most interesting part of it is near the bottom of the page, where they reveal that you can get Wipeout 2048 for the PV Vita with a £5 top up.

For those of you unfamiliar with Wipe Out, here is the E3 trailer for 2048:

Monday 6 February 2012

D.I.Y. Snow

Snow. The best way to get out of work, school, and court trials. Of course, that relies entirely on how much is there. Even this, which was what we experienced on the 05/02/2012, did not warrant a day off.

So, what do we need to get a day off? More snow. But how do we get it? Prayer is unpredictable, and it isn't particularly cost effective to throw crushed ice in a manner similar to a drive by shooting. So, what do we do? Who do we turn to? The answer is clear. Science!

All clear now, isn't it? Or not. So, read on below for the Realm's How To Guide to making it snow.

  1. Buy a plane, ideally with some kind of spraying apparatus. Come on, they're not that expensive. Worst case scenario, just climb a very tall mountain.
  2. Buy a cold liquid/gas, such as Dry Ice or Liquid Nitrogen. Try not to stick your hand in it, though it is a lot funnier than the old "hand in warm water while they're sleeping" prank.
  3. Send up a disposable pilot, with the gas. And by disposable, I mean not important, not a blow up one.
  4. Tell them via radio to drop the gas over a cloud, in a method known as cloud seeding. The cold liquid/gas will increase the mass of the cloud, causing precipitation to occur.
And there you go, the Realm's easy 4 step guide to making snow. And it's perfectly possible.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Adam Lambert May Not Be Queen's New Lead Singer

What? Two articles in one day? I'm spoiling you people! Any of you 70's and 80's kids will no doubt be aware of Queen, and the death of the man who puts all these modern day "pop stars" to shame, Freddy Mercury. Since his death, the remaining members of Queen have been flitting from guest star to guest star, sparking rumours of new lead singers every time. On Friday, the British newspaper the Daily Star gave the impression that Adam Lambert (below) was going to be taking the place of the lead singer.

However, it appears the message was incorrect. Adam Lambert will be performing with Queen, however it is unconfirmed as to whether it will be long term. Instead, he will be performing in a tribute to him, possibly at Sonisphere in Knebworth, the site of Mercury's last performance before he died of H.I.V. Lambert has identified Mercury as one of his musical hero's, and so would be thrilled to front the band, and the band are leaving the door open to a possible collaboration.

But for now, the question every Queen fan is asking is simply this: "Will anyone ever be able be able to replace the King of Rock?"

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace 3D Trailer Available For 3DS

For any keen Nintendo fans who are now in possession of a 3DS, the trailer for the 3D version of the fourth Star Wars film is now available on the 3DS Video Channel. As always, it is in stereoscopic 3D. However, for all those people who don't own a 3DS, the trailer is available in boring old 20th century 2D below.

The 3D re-release of the sequel, Attack of the Clones, will be coming in 2013, with all films coming a year after the former.

Saturday 4 February 2012

High Voltage To Make Wii U Game

Unless you have been living in a cave in a distant mountain, you have probably heard that Nintendo announced a new console at last years E3, one with a DS bottom screen style controller and HD visuals.

Quite a few developers have decided to back the new console, revealed to regrettably be called Wii U (Come on Nintendo, at least rearrange the name so we can have a laugh like last time.) and High Voltage are the latest to jump on it, registering themselves as a Wii U developer. As mentioned before, the Wii U will have HD visuals, the kind that many first person shooter fans rave about, meaning that it is likely that Nintendo Gamers can expect to see Conduit 3 soon.